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Please take the time to read this article on Frequently Asked Questions.  It will give you a whole lot of useful information in a quick and succinct manner.

Please consult this list prior to calling Vancouver Musicians’ Association (VMA).

Note: Any fees or rates listed below are subject to change without notice.

What is the AFM?

The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada is the largest professional entertainment association/union in the world. The AFM has approximately 256 local offices situated throughout North America. There are approximately 100,000 members in the AFM.

What is the VMA?

The Vancouver Musicians’ Association is a local office of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada. There are approximately 1700 members in the VMA at the present time. We are membership driven, self-governing and a self-supporting labour organization. Our jurisdiction covers all of BC with the exception of the Columbia River Valley, Vancouver Island and the surrounding Gulf Islands.

Is the VMA a union?

Yes and No. For the vast majority of our members, the VMA is a professional association made up of self employed, independent contractors who solicit their own engagements or have booking agents or managers secure bookings for them. On the other hand, the VMA does have Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA’s) with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra, the Prince George Symphony Orchestra and the Vancouver Opera Orchestra. The VMA is the certified bargaining agent for these orchestras in accordance with the Labour Code of British Columbia.

Who can join?

All performers on musical instruments of any kind, vocalists, DJ’s, producers, composers, or other individuals who render musical services are eligible for membership, subject to AFM laws and jurisdiction.

How much does it cost to join?

The current fee to join is $141.50. This fee includes both the AFM and VMA initiation fees. To maintain your membership in the VMA, quarterly dues in the amount of $42.50 are payable. This fee is subject to change without notice.

Should I join the VMA?

When you are considering membership in the VMA, Local 145 of the AFM, you might first ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you think of yourself as an aspiring or professional musician?
  • Are you earning your living, or a significant portion of your income, as a musician?
  • Do you live and do most of your musical work in the province of BC?
  • Do you want to put your career on a solid business foundation?

If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, then you are ready to join the VMA.

Do you have equipment insurance?

Yes. Members of the VMA have access to very reasonable equipment insurance coverage. One option provides world wide coverage, 24/7, for all perils is just $27.50 per thousand dollars of coverage on an annual basis. The deductible is only $50.00 if you suffer a loss and have to file a claim. (Rates are subject to change without notice.)

Do you have liability insurance?

Yes. Members of the VMA have access to personal liability insurance to members at the rate of $25.00 per million / per year. There is not a better deal to be had anywhere else. Rates are subject to change without notice.